Fight for a Cure and
Get 60 PDUs Now

Purchase any one of our three 60 PDU packages today for just $300 (normally $597) and a percentage of the proceeds will be donated to the Susan G Komen Foundation on November 1st.

This October PDUs2Go is kicking off the season of giving with a very special offer!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and is joining the fight! Now through Oct 31st, will be supporting the cure with every purchase made.

Communicating for Results

Authors: Made for Success
Total Number of PDUs: 60
Technical Project Management PDU Value: 20
Leadership PDU Value: 20
Strategic and Business Management PDU Value: 20

In this comprehensive course you will learn how to pick the perfect communications medium for various types of messages from communicating timelines, informative & leadership communications and more.

Buy Now & Let’s Fight Together

Managing Projects
at the Speed of Time

Authors: Made for Success
Total Number of PDUs: 60
Technical Project Management PDU Value: 20
Leadership PDU Value: 20
Strategic and Business Management PDU Value: 20

Managing time effectively is the key to managing your individual performance, but it’s much more complicated today than making a list and checking things off.

Buy Now & Let’s Fight Together

Managing Teams
to Achieve BIG Goals

Authors: Made for Success
Total Number of PDUs: 60
Technical Project Management PDU Value: 20
Leadership PDU Value: 20
Strategic and Business Management PDU Value: 20

An award winning faculty of NY Times best selling authors and legendary speakers guide you on their unique viewpoints on achieving big goals, goal setting techniques and team management skills.

Buy Now & Let’s Fight Together

50% Complete

Two Step

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